Most places I go, people are talking about the economy, and they're freaking out. They're speculating on what will happen and how it will affect their lives. It can all feel pretty scary, and the fear feels contagious. Here are some tips to help you stay calm:
What's Worked for You in the Past? Think about a time in the past when you faced difficulty. If you're here, you survived. Think of what helped you then. How did you approach the difficulty and what strategies were helpful? How did you shift the situation? What calmed you? What helped you feel better? Was there any lesson there that you could use now?
Venting vs. Rehearsing
Many people think that "venting" helps them feel better-and sometimes it does. Venting is when you have something that's been weighing you down, and you feel better when you share it with someone else who can sympathize or give you support or simply listen. But when do you cross the line into "rehearsing"? Rehearsing is when you tell the same story, over and over again, and each time, you experience the same anxiety or fear. Here's a rule of thumb: When it makes you feel relieved to talk about it, talk about it. When you notice that you feel worse, stop.
Consider a media ban I was having a great morning a few days ago, and then I opened yahoo and the headline was about the Dow Jones average plummeting-and suddenly I felt anxious, even though nothing had actually changed. What we read and watch changes our perceptions and affects our emotions. If watching the economic predictions on TV or the internet is affecting you emotionally, stop watching. Spend that time playing with your dog or taking a walk or listening to a song you like.
Awareness Pay attention to how your body feels when people are talking about the economy. If you notice tension or tightness, walk away from the conversation. Do something pleasant, or simply sit and listen to your breath.
Be a Flexible Tree Here's a tip I give to clients constantly: if you start to feel anxious, imagine you're a tree. It sounds silly, but it works. Imagine you're a tree, and you're rooted to the ground. Trees are strong. When trees are brittle they snap in the wind, but when they're flexible and soft, they sway in the wind and always stay rooted.
Gratitude Make a list, every day, of two or three things you are thankful for. Focus on what you have, instead of what you don't have, or what might happen in the future. Read this list if you start to panic.
You have this moment If all else fails, you have this moment. Sit quietly and think to yourself: "right now, in this moment, I am ok." Take a deep breath. Listen to your breath.
It IS all going to be ok. Trust yourself. You are more creative and resourceful than you know. No matter what, you're going to be ok.

Heather, these are good words. Sometimes when I teach at the divinity school about the long history of fasting in the Christian tradition, I remind students that perhaps no fast is more meaningful than fasting from information and media! It is so pervasive that I don't think we even realize how affected we are. Good words.
thanks for taking the time to write this, heather - very thoughtful and inspiring.
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